A recipe for Thanksgiving leftovers. Instead of the turkey carcass, you can use 3 to 4 pounds of turkey necks, backs, and wings. Serve the soup with Parmesan...
Reinvent turkey leftovers with this simple method for making turkey soup. Simmer turkey bones with onion, carrots, celery, and herbs for a tasty broth....
Here's a rich and hearty split pea soup with a twist. Since the peas do not need to be pre-soaked, it can be put together quickly and easily. For a little...
This recipe was given to me by my mom, but I've also tweaked it. I can't guarantee that it isn't from a cookbook somewhere--mom can't remember where it...
Got the idea after one Thanksgiving when we had so much turkey left over. One of my favorite soups is zuppa Toscana. So, I came up with this. It has been...
Eat to your heart's content the day after and/or freeze in several units. Take out of the freezer and heat in the zapper or in a double boiler. Enjoy that...
Autumn is such a fun time to pull out old recipes in anticipation of the upcoming holidays. This recipe has been a family favorite for nearly twenty years...
Good-for-you comfort food. I couldn't find escarole at my local market so I subbed kale in this easy and hearty recipe. You could also use Swiss chard....
This soup will be your friend on a cold winter day. Ground turkey, kale, brown rice, and spices in a tomato-based broth make this a great stand-alone meal....
The Southwestern US has its own unique cuisine. My favorite Southwestern dish is a soup called posole, made with Hatch green chiles and white hominy. This...
My family loves Tex-Mex dishes and I love quick and convenient but healthy and interesting dishes, and this soup fits the bill in every way. No one can...
Soup is always an obvious choice for leftover turkey. And while I'm pleased with my matzo ball skills, I'm not sure how truly authentic these are, although...
An interesting solution to the leftover Thanksgiving turkey dilemma. My 2 1/2 year old daughter helped me make it this year. I like to serve it with warm...
Here's a rich and hearty split pea soup with a twist. Since the peas do not need to be pre-soaked, it can be put together quickly and easily. For a little...
This recipe was given to me by my mom, but I've also tweaked it. I can't guarantee that it isn't from a cookbook somewhere--mom can't remember where it...
Using spiralized butternut squash as an alternative to pasta, this soup is loaded with fall flavors and gets its smoky spiciness from ground chipotle....
An authentic rural Mexican dish usually prepared with pork, posole is traditionally eaten at New Year's. This version is a great way to unload those turkey...
A recipe for Thanksgiving leftovers. Instead of the turkey carcass, you can use 3 to 4 pounds of turkey necks, backs, and wings. Serve the soup with Parmesan...
Using spiralized butternut squash as an alternative to pasta, this soup is loaded with fall flavors and gets its smoky spiciness from ground chipotle....
This soup will warm your home and your heart. True Northern comfort food. Save Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey leftovers just so that you can make this...
Soup is always an obvious choice for leftover turkey. And while I'm pleased with my matzo ball skills, I'm not sure how truly authentic these are, although...